Amount of texts to »Taxi« 34, and there are 32 texts (94.12%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 167 Characters
Average Rating 1.882 points, 4 Not rated texts
First text on Mar 29th 2000, 02:28:40 wrote
Dragan about Taxi
Latest text on Mar 5th 2010, 00:39:05 wrote
Ronja about Taxi
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 4)

on Aug 25th 2004, 07:29:29 wrote
Victor about Taxi

on Jul 17th 2002, 12:01:35 wrote
meista about Taxi

on Dec 23rd 2000, 11:26:22 wrote
whocares about Taxi

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Taxi«

Dragan wrote on Mar 29th 2000, 02:28:40 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Riding a taxi cab is far too expensive. Riding the bus is cheaper, but you are not allowed to talk to the driver.

Ron Kling wrote on Apr 8th 2000, 04:20:04 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

One fine autumn day in the spring, I was eating an apple in a taxi (and getting sick) when the crazy taxi driver pulled out a bottle of hot sauce and started drinking it. This was in L.A.
It probably would not happen in London or Berlin.

whatevernext96 wrote on Jan 17th 2002, 18:21:16 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I've always particularly admired the taxi-driver who turned to Bertrand Russell in the back of his cab and asked the perfectly legitimate question, »Well Guv, what's it all abaht then...?« And answer came there none. Never ask a philosopher, especially one who hasn't paid his fare yet.....

Jackson wrote on Apr 18th 2000, 02:08:55 about


Rating: 5 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I heard recently that the driving a taxi is one of the most dangerous jobs.

sara the mac wrote on Apr 17th 2000, 08:35:00 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

since it is now april 16 and i live in the US. i have filed my taxes with the IRS. i do not have to think about taxes anymore for awhile, and instead can think of more interesting things, such as travel. travel to most cities in the world involves at least occasional taxi rides. in some places this is a pleasure; the taxi driver speaks at least a little of some language that you also speak at least a little of, and she or (usually) he is happy to talk to you and point out interesting sites/sights. if you are even a little lucky this person will take you to your destination safely, and by a more or less direct route.

then there are the others.

Robert wrote on Nov 14th 2000, 18:28:00 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Dani Davito, Taxi bars (English chocolate) being moved while being talked at. Yellow in New York, Black in London. »The Knowledge«. Tight turning circles. Stupid but knowledgable drivers – like philosophers educated far beyond their capacity for analytical thought (quote from Richard Dawkins in the endnotes of »The Selfish Gene«).

Some random keywords

Created on Apr 6th 2000, 22:54:34 by Dragan, contains 43 texts

Created on May 23rd 2001, 09:49:11 by Tricala, contains 15 texts

Created on Oct 12th 2003, 14:32:42 by Emma Example, contains 5 texts

Created on Sep 21st 2000, 22:51:22 by Maharet, contains 6 texts

Created on Mar 22nd 2003, 05:31:46 by venus, contains 1 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jul 18th 2001, 13:31:53 by wauz, contains 23 texts

Created on Dec 28th 1999, 22:28:26 by pipapo, contains 183 texts

Created on Nov 24th 2003, 19:37:59 by Das Gift, contains 12 texts

Created on Aug 30th 2003, 03:47:42 by Nike.Nemo, contains 6 texts

Created on Apr 1st 2004, 13:40:17 by Dieter Meier, contains 16 texts

Created on Apr 14th 2002, 00:37:59 by perlweiSS, contains 22 texts

Created on Jan 4th 2023, 14:52:59 by schmidt, contains 2 texts

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