»Old wine and young wives,« says an old German Gasthaus wall inscription,»are the best time killers.« A beautiful summer's day is only 24 hours long, but a beautiful woman is forever. When you reach a certain age (euphemism for: really old) there are only two things important: wake up and move. Everything else is irrelevant. If Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was such a milestone in the cause of human suffrage, how come www.slavefarm has over a million hits and a waiting list of »amateur« slaves wanting to be exposed? If the educational system of the world doesn't need drastic overhauling, how come the youth of today get their kicks from crack cocaine, killing and mutilating domestic animals, breaking young planted saplings, running down garbage cans with their parents' cars and committing all sorts of totally mindless vandalism, like committing suicide? Am I the only one totally horrified by this generation of De Sade's great grandchildren?