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on Nov 6th 2018, 16:13:24, Margaret Marie wrote the following about


I have been exploring and reading here and keeping an eye out for the word »an« since I wrote a post about that indefinite article. I was a bit surprised at how many entries I had to read before I found a post which used the word »an«.

It was an interesting musing on »eschatology« by Melissa back in the early days of the Blaster, on April 12th, 2000.

The Blaster, of course, is evidence of a different tendency than that which she discusses in her post. Here we have the inclination to create something which has no beginning or end, but loops and twists and turns back on itself through an enchanting labyrinth of clicks and links.

If you manage to find your way to Melissa's post on »eschatology«, you may or may not succeed in finding your way back here by clicking on »an« in that text.

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