Amount of texts to »Demon« 27, and there are 24 texts (88.89%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 133 Characters
Average Rating 1.148 points, 3 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 10th 2000, 21:38:20 wrote
Liamara about Demon
Latest text on Sep 4th 2023, 11:39:34 wrote
Emma Example about Demon
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 3)

on Jul 14th 2000, 23:08:49 wrote
steve about Demon

on Jul 31st 2007, 15:21:06 wrote
madonna about Demon

on Sep 4th 2023, 11:39:34 wrote
Emma Example about Demon

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Demon«

sea-ridge wrote on Apr 12th 2000, 12:51:14 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Computers these days have daemons, as did Socrates, and surely these are related to demons. I have a hunch, in fact, that they are etymologically no different from demons, and perhaps there are no computer viruses, no hackers, no crackers, but only demons who have wheedled their ways into the favor of programmers and have been set free in the cyberworld to work their mischief. (I blame them, too, for my errors of typing.)

Liamara wrote on Apr 10th 2000, 21:38:20 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

»But why are the demons involved in thisshe inquired. »Demons are never major characters. They care nothing about human events, unless they wish to interfere with them
»Will you make a princessly oath of secrecy?« the Professor asked. »The question has an answer, but it is not given for mere humans to know

Piers Anthony, Demons don't dream

Lilith wrote on Apr 18th 2000, 00:21:12 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I'm not really a bad demon, I just got a bum rap.

babylon 69 wrote on Apr 15th 2000, 15:45:15 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Clinically speaking, demons/daemons/devils are personifications of personal weaknesses/fear. To the perciever/believer they are quite real. Generally the demon is a symbol/metaphor for a personification of fear, they are made up entirely of fear. Their characteristic as demons points to a refusal to take responsibility for the demon, i.e. the devil made me do it.

steve wrote on Apr 18th 2000, 00:11:36 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Demons walk among us, Part II. Don't forget parking valets, music critics,
exotic dancers, car salesmen, HR managers, circus clowns, and anyone who is insane enough to actually want to be president of the United States.

Some random keywords

Created on Jun 15th 2001, 02:58:34 by Daniel Arnold, contains 8 texts

Created on Nov 23rd 2001, 16:39:07 by claudine h, contains 10 texts

Created on Jun 1st 2003, 05:54:24 by nOthing, contains 3 texts

Created on Jan 12th 2004, 18:23:10 by Dr. Stupid, contains 3 texts

Created on Jul 9th 2004, 02:54:39 by superwoman, contains 2 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jun 29th 2003, 18:21:45 by All you need is cash, contains 11 texts

Created on Jul 24th 2001, 02:11:46 by, contains 15 texts

Created on Aug 17th 2004, 22:22:27 by biggi, contains 7 texts

Created on Apr 30th 2004, 15:44:42 by Daniel Arnold, contains 31 texts

Created on May 30th 2003, 02:08:28 by gats, contains 7 texts

Created on Apr 10th 2005, 03:06:52 by mcnep, contains 3 texts

Created on Nov 6th 2002, 11:33:59 by Das Gift, contains 5 texts

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