Joe wrote on Aug 17th 2004, 11:33:00 about
Rating: 22 point(s) |
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There is a world there, Winthrop, another sort of world where people know something; where other things are to be done than running plow furrows; where men may distinguish themselves! I want to be in that world.
Susan Warner (1819 1885) US novelist
The Hills of the Shatemuc, Ch. 1, 1856.
Daniel Arnold wrote on Sep 29th 2001, 08:11:22 about
Rating: 12 point(s) |
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Following is the list of the 189 Member States of the United Nations with
dates on which they joined the Organization.
Member (Date of Admission)
Afghanistan (19 Nov. 1946)
Albania (14 Dec. 1955)
Algeria (8 Oct. 1962)
Andorra (28 July 1993)
Angola (1 Dec. 1976)
Antigua and Barbuda (11 Nov. 1981)
Argentina (24 Oct. 1945)
Armenia (2 Mar. 1992)
Australia (1 Nov. 1945)
Austria-- (14 Dec. 1955)
Azerbaijan (9 Mar. 1992)
Bahamas (18 Sep. 1973)
Bahrain (21 Sep. 1971)
Bangladesh (17 Sep. 1974)
Barbados (9 Dec. 1966)
Belarus (24 Oct. 1945)
On 19 September 1991, Byelorussia informed the United
Nations that it had changed its name to Belarus.
Belgium (27 Dec. 1945)
Belize (25 Sep. 1981)
Benin (20 Sep. 1960)
Bhutan (21 Sep. 1971)
Bolivia (14 Nov. 1945)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (22 May 1992)
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an
original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having
been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19
October 1945, until its dissolution following the
establishment and subsequent admission as new members
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the
Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was admitted as
a Member of the United Nations by General Assembly
resolution A/RES/46/237 of 22 May 1992.
Botswana (17 Oct. 1966)
Brazil (24 Oct. 1945)
Brunei Darussalam (21 Sep. 1984)
Bulgaria (14 Dec. 1955)
Burkina Faso (20 Sep. 1960)
Burundi (18 Sep. 1962)
Cambodia (14 Dec. 1955)
Cameroon (20 Sep. 1960)
Canada (9 Nov. 1945)
Cape Verde (16 Sep. 1975)
Central African Republic (20 Sep. 1960)
Chad (20 Sep. 1960)
Chile (24 Oct. 1945)
China (24 Oct. 1945)
Colombia (5 Nov. 1945)
Comoros (12 Nov. 1975)
Congo (20 Sep. 1960)
Costa Rica (2 Nov. 1945)
Côte d'Ivoire (20 Sep. 1960)
Croatia (22 May 1992)
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an
original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having
been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19
October 1945, until its dissolution following the
establishment and subsequent admission as new members
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the
Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The Republic of Croatia was admitted as a Member of the
United Nations by General Assembly resolution
A/RES/46/238 of 22 May 1992.
Cuba (24 Oct. 1945)
Cyprus (20 Sep. 1960)
Czech Republic-- (19 Jan. 1993)
Czechoslovakia was an original Member of the United
Nations from 24 October 1945. In a letter dated 10
December 1992, its Permanent Representative informed
the Secretary-General that the Czech and Slovak Federal
Republic would cease to exist on 31 December 1992 and
that the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as
successor States, would apply for membership in the
United Nations. Following the receipt of its application,
the Security Council, on 8 January 1993, recommended
to the General Assembly that the Czech Republic be
admitted to United Nations membership. The Czech
Republic was thus admitted on 19 January of that year as
a Member State.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (17 Sep. 1991)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (20 Sep. 1960)
Denmark (24 Oct. 1945)
Djibouti (20 Sep. 1977)
Dominica (18 Dec. 1978)
Dominican Republic (24 Oct. 1945)
Ecuador (21 Dec. 1945)
Egypt (24 Oct. 1945)
Egypt and Syria were original Members of the United
Nations from 24 October 1945. Following a plebiscite on
21 February 1958, the United Arab Republic was
established by a union of Egypt and Syria and continued
as a single Member. On 13 October 1961, Syria, having
resumed its status as an independent State, resumed its
separate membership in the United Nations. On 2
September 1971, the United Arab Republic changed its
name to the Arab Republic of Egypt.
El Salvador (24 Oct. 1945)
Equatorial Guinea (12 Nov. 1968)
Eritrea (28 May 1993)
Estonia (17 Sep. 1991)
Ethiopia (13 Nov. 1945)
Fiji (13 Oct. 1970)
Finland (14 Dec. 1955)
France-- (24 Oct. 1945)
Gabon (20 Sep. 1960)
Gambia (21 Sep. 1965)
Georgia (31 July 1992)
Germany (18 Sep. 1973)
The Federal Republic of Germany and the German
Democratic Republic were admitted to membership in the
United Nations on 18 September 1973. Through the
accession of the German Democratic Republic to the
Federal Republic of Germany, effective from 3 October
1990, the two German States have united to form one
sovereign State.
Ghana (8 Mar. 1957)
Greece-- (25 Oct. 1945)
Grenada (17 Sep. 1974)
Guatemala (21 Nov. 1945)
Guinea (12 Dec. 1958)
Guinea-Bissau (17 Sep. 1974)
Guyana (20 Sep. 1966)
Haiti (24 Oct. 1945)
Honduras (17 Dec. 1945)
Hungary (14 Dec. 1955)
Iceland (19 Nov. 1946)
India (30 Oct. 1945)
Indonesia (28 Sep. 1950)
By letter of 20 January 1965, Indonesia announced its
decision to withdraw from the United Nations "at this stage
and under the present circumstances". By telegram of 19
September 1966, it announced its decision "to resume full
cooperation with the United Nations and to resume
participation in its activities". On 28 September 1966, the
General Assembly took note of this decision and the
President invited representatives of Indonesia to take seats
in the Assembly.
Iran (Islamic Republic of)-- (24 Oct. 1945)
Iraq-- (21 Dec. 1945)
Ireland (14 Dec. 1955)
Israel-- (11 May 1949)
Italy-- (14 Dec. 1955)
Jamaica (18 Sep. 1962)
Japan-- (18 Dec. 1956)
Jordan (14 Dec. 1955)
Kazakhstan-- (2 Mar. 1992)
Kenya (16 Dec. 1963)
Kiribati (14 Sept. 1999)
Kuwait (14 May 1963)
Kyrgyzstan (2 Mar. 1992)
Lao People's Democratic Republic (14 Dec. 1955)
Latvia (17 Sep. 1991)
Lebanon (24 Oct. 1945)
Lesotho (17 Oct. 1966)
Liberia (2 Nov. 1945)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (14 Dec. 1955)
Liechtenstein-- (18 Sep. 1990)
Lithuania (17 Sep. 1991)
Luxembourg-- (24 Oct. 1945)
Madagascar (20 Sep. 1960)
Malawi (1 Dec. 1964)
Malaysia-- (17 Sep. 1957)
The Federation of Malaya joined the United Nations on
17 September 1957. On 16 September 1963, its name
was changed to Malaysia, following the admission to the
new federation of Singapore, Sabah (North Borneo) and
Sarawak. Singapore became an independent State on 9
August 1965 and a Member of the United Nations on 21
September 1965.
Maldives-- (21 Sep. 1965)
Mali (28 Sep. 1960)
Malta (1 Dec. 1964)
Marshall Islands (17 Sep. 1991)
Mauritania (7 Oct. 1961)
Mauritius (24 Apr. 1968)
Mexico (7 Nov. 1945)
Micronesia (Federated States of)-- (17 Sep. 1991)
Monaco (28 May 1993)
Mongolia (27 Oct. 1961)
Morocco (12 Nov. 1956)
Mozambique (16 Sep. 1975)
Myanmar (19 Apr. 1948)
Namibia (23 Apr. 1990)
Nauru (14 Sept. 1999)
Nepal (14 Dec. 1955)
Netherlands (10 Dec. 1945)
New Zealand (24 Oct. 1945)
Nicaragua (24 Oct. 1945)
Niger (20 Sep. 1960)
Nigeria (7 Oct. 1960)
Norway (27 Nov. 1945)
Oman (7 Oct. 1971)
Pakistan (30 Sep. 1947)
Palau (15 Dec. 1994)
Panama (13 Nov. 1945)
Papua New Guinea (10 Oct. 1975)
Paraguay (24 Oct. 1945)
Peru (31 Oct. 1945)
Philippines (24 Oct. 1945)
Poland (24 Oct. 1945)
Portugal (14 Dec. 1955)
Qatar (21 Sep. 1971)
Republic of Korea (17 Sep. 1991)
Republic of Moldova (2 Mar. 1992)
Romania (14 Dec. 1955)
Russian Federation (24 Oct. 1945)
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was an original
Member of the United Nations from 24 October 1945. In a
letter dated 24 December 1991, Boris Yeltsin, the
President of the Russian Federation, informed the
Secretary-General that the membership of the Soviet
Union in the Security Council and all other United Nations
organs was being continued by the Russian Federation
with the support of the 11 member countries of the
Commonwealth of Independent States.
Rwanda (18 Sep. 1962)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (23 Sep. 1983)
Saint Lucia (18 Sep. 1979)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (16 Sep. 1980)
Samoa (15 Dec. 1976)
San Marino (2 Mar. 1992)
Sao Tome and Principe (16 Sep. 1975)
Saudi Arabia (24 Oct. 1945)
Senegal (28 Sep. 1960)
Seychelles (21 Sep. 1976)
Sierra Leone (27 Sep. 1961)
Singapore (21 Sep. 1965)
Slovakia (19 Jan. 1993)
Czechoslovakia was an original Member of the United
Nations from 24 October 1945. In a letter dated 10
December 1992, its Permanent Representative informed
the Secretary-General that the Czech and Slovak Federal
Republic would cease to exist on 31 December 1992 and
that the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as
successor States, would apply for membership in the
United Nations. Following the receipt of its application,
the Security Council, on 8 January 1993, recommended
to the General Assembly that the Slovak Republic be
admitted to United Nations membership. The Slovak
Republic was thus admitted on 19 January of that year as
a Member State.
Slovenia (22 May 1992)
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an
original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having
been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19
October 1945, until its dissolution following the
establishment and subsequent admission as new members
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the
Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The Republic of Slovenia was admitted as a Member of
the United Nations by General Assembly resolution
A/RES/46/236 of 22 May 1992.
Solomon Islands (19 Sep. 1978)
Somalia (20 Sep. 1960)
South Africa (7 Nov. 1945)
Spain (14 Dec. 1955)
Sri Lanka (14 Dec. 1955)
Sudan (12 Nov. 1956)
Suriname (4 Dec. 1975)
Swaziland (24 Sep. 1968)
Sweden (19 Nov. 1946)
Syrian Arab Republic (24 Oct. 1945)
Egypt and Syria were original Members of the United
Nations from 24 October 1945. Following a plebiscite on
21 February 1958, the United Arab Republic was
established by a union of Egypt and Syria and continued
as a single Member. On 13 October 1961, Syria, having
resumed its status as an independent State, resumed its
separate membership in the United Nations.
Tajikistan (2 Mar. 1992)
Thailand (16 Dec. 1946)
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (8 Apr. 1993)
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an
original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having
been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19
October 1945, until its dissolution following the
establishment and subsequent admission as new members
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the
Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
By resolution A/RES/47/225 of 8 April 1993, the General
Assembly decided to admit as a Member of the United
Nations the State being provisionally referred to for all
purposes within the United Nations as "The former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" pending settlement of
the difference that had arisen over its name.
Togo (20 Sep. 1960)
Tonga (14 Sept. 1999)
Trinidad and Tobago (18 Sep. 1962)
Tunisia (12 Nov. 1956)
Turkey (24 Oct. 1945)
Turkmenistan (2 Mar. 1992)
Tuvalu (5 Sept. 2000)
Uganda (25 Oct. 1962)
Ukraine-- (24 Oct. 1945)
United Arab Emirates (9 Dec. 1971)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-- (24 Oct. 1945)
United Republic of Tanzania (14 Dec. 1961)
Tanganyika was a Member of the United Nations from 14
December 1961 and Zanzibar was a Member from 16
December 1963. Following the ratification on 26 April
1964 of Articles of Union between Tanganyika and
Zanzibar, the United Republic of Tanganyika and
Zanzibar continued as a single Member, changing its
name to the United Republic of Tanzania on 1 November
United States of America (24 Oct. 1945)
Uruguay (18 Dec. 1945)
Uzbekistan (2 Mar. 1992)
Vanuatu (15 Sep. 1981)
Venezuela (15 Nov. 1945)
Viet Nam (20 Sep. 1977)
Yemen (30 Sep. 1947)
Yemen was admitted to membership in the United Nations
on 30 September 1947 and Democratic Yemen on 14
December 1967. On 22 May 1990, the two countries
merged and have since been represented as one Member
with the name »Yemen«.
Yugoslavia (1 Nov. 2000)
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was an
original Member of the United Nations, the Charter having
been signed on its behalf on 26 June 1945 and ratified 19
October 1945, until its dissolution following the
establishment and subsequent admission as new members
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the
Republic of Slovenia, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was admitted as a
Member of the United Nations by General Assembly
resolution A/RES/55/12 of 1 November 2000.
Zambia (1 Dec. 1964)
Zimbabwe (25 Aug. 1980)
Source: UN Press Release ORG/1317 (26 September 2000)
Updated 18 December 2000
belle wrote on Jul 12th 2001, 18:36:17 about
Rating: 32 point(s) |
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The World Is Too Much With Us; Late and Soon
by William Wordsworth
The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. -Great God! I'd rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.
quotidian wrote on Jul 12th 2001, 19:26:59 about
Rating: 22 point(s) |
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In the world of words, the imagination is one of the forces of nature.
Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)
Opus Posthumous [1957], Adagia
aelketta wrote on Oct 2nd 2002, 20:41:04 about
Rating: 20 point(s) |
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When I said this word, I used to think of the globe. Now I think of an abstract concept. I get more and more mature, the world is smaller than it used to be. It's also dirtier.
Daniel Arnold wrote on Sep 6th 2001, 04:07:00 about
Rating: 6 point(s) |
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After three failed attempts to add the keyword Europe
I know try to submit this list here.
Czech Republic
Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of)
The Netherlands
San Marino
United Kingdom
Vatican City
Carrie wrote on Jan 12th 2003, 09:41:08 about
Rating: 6 point(s) |
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The United States does not necessarily want to be the enemy of the rest of the world- Most informed citizens of the United States want to be a part of the global community. However, the politicians we choose to elect work together to become the world's babysitter at times, when the last thing the world needs is another patriarchal hypocrite calling the shots.
Some random keywords |
Created on Sep 3rd 2004, 10:19:59 by Boots Myriad, contains 3 texts
Created on Sep 28th 2001, 13:01:39 by hei+co, contains 3 texts
Created on Sep 10th 2008, 15:12:19 by seele, contains 3 texts
Created on Jun 1st 2004, 07:44:48 by Bart Starr, contains 1 texts
Created on Apr 21st 2001, 12:08:44 by purplesage, contains 24 texts
Some random keywords in the german Blaster |
Created on Oct 7th 2001, 13:09:10 by hä?, contains 29 texts
Created on Sep 29th 2004, 04:30:07 by Daniel Arnold, contains 16 texts
Created on Jun 17th 2005, 13:38:45 by Hans*im*Glück, contains 35 texts
Created on Jan 26th 2002, 01:03:43 by Taos Hammer & Kaftan Molloch, contains 10 texts
Created on Sep 18th 2006, 09:59:54 by biggi, contains 6 texts
Created on May 22nd 2009, 13:09:25 by Baumhaus, contains 3 texts
Created on Dec 2nd 2000, 16:16:17 by D-Zug mit Verspätung, contains 27 texts