Amount of texts to »breakdance« 15, and there are 12 texts (80.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 180 Characters
Average Rating -0.200 points, 3 Not rated texts
First text on May 4th 2000, 16:18:16 wrote
Dragan about breakdance
Latest text on Dec 10th 2005, 02:22:52 wrote
weston about breakdance
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 3)

on Dec 10th 2005, 02:22:52 wrote
weston about breakdance

on Mar 26th 2004, 21:00:52 wrote
elloner about breakdance

on May 14th 2005, 08:16:36 wrote
b-boyime about breakdance

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Breakdance«

Dragan wrote on May 4th 2000, 16:18:16 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Back in the 80's, breakdance was also very popular in europe. This was good because you could watch TV and see something moving. – In general, TV in the 80's at least in germany was a bit short on motion. The cameras seemed to be fixed with cement.

Yes, and now, suddenly, breakdance is popular again. But in the time breakdance was away from TV screens, people missed the movement. So the cameras were untied from the cement blocks and strated to move. And now there is a problem: The breakdancers move and the camera moves also, so you can't see the breakdancers dance. You just see some body parts flying around.

Such a sad thing!

Josef wrote on May 5th 2000, 00:04:59 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Have you ever had the experience of being at a high school dance (or some similar event) and then deciding to impress all the girls by suddenly dropping down to do the worm? On several occasions I had this experience, generally leading to some kind of injury (hurt toe, bruised knees, sore testicles). Then, at one such event, I suddenly, without consulting my rational self, dropped down onto a handstand-type thing, and collapsed into a perfect (well, for an amateur) wiggly worm. I then stood up, amazed at my ability. Of course, nobody had noticed it, and I lacked the guts to ever do it again.

Josh wrote on Jun 9th 2000, 07:05:46 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

here in SF there is this guy named 2 Toast. He's an awsome breaker. We worked together in a high tech lame ass b2b e learning garbage multimedia slave job. but he would breat the monotony with awsome moves...

Some random keywords

Created on Apr 19th 2000, 05:54:26 by Intemperate, contains 15 texts

Created on Apr 20th 2000, 01:59:31 by Ophelia, contains 23 texts

Created on Feb 7th 2001, 16:49:17 by robin, contains 6 texts

Created on Sep 25th 2001, 16:56:51 by benjamin, contains 4 texts

Created on Nov 6th 2003, 05:49:35 by Jack, contains 4 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on May 7th 2003, 10:43:27 by mcnep, contains 18 texts

Created on Jan 24th 2004, 12:12:02 by mcnep, contains 5 texts

Created on Aug 4th 2001, 23:27:15 by Krümelmonster, contains 106 texts

Created on Jan 7th 2002, 20:30:33 by Daniel Arnold, contains 33 texts

Created on Jun 10th 2003, 20:32:02 by E256 Sagesätze, contains 8 texts

Created on Mar 18th 2023, 19:12:24 by Christine, contains 2 texts

Created on Feb 2nd 2003, 20:38:41 by biggi, contains 16 texts

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