Amount of texts to »winged« 2, and there are 2 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 334 Characters
Average Rating 18.000 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Jul 2nd 2003, 03:20:49 wrote
kyle about winged
Latest text on Oct 16th 2007, 18:10:01 wrote
ZasZ234 about winged
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

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Texts to »Winged«

ZasZ234 wrote on Oct 16th 2007, 18:10:01 about


Rating: 22 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

What in the heck is a Hyalopterous Lemure?

»Hyalopterous« is a fancy word meaning »having glassy or transparent wings.«

The word »Lemure« is quite obscure; it shows up on as »lemures« (LEM-yur-eez), which were »spirits or ghosts of the departed.«

A ghost with glassy wings… sounds good so far.

Of course, the poor artist—Richard Thomas—was not as well versed in minor Devils (or Latin), and painted what he thought the art was supposed to bea lemur. That's right, a small, nocturnal primate from Madagascar with big eyes and a bushy tail. Who can blame him?

He did paint glassy wings on, so he got the hyalopterous part right.

Some random keywords

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Created on Dec 11th 2002, 19:10:47 by hether-weather, contains 2 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

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Created on Jun 18th 2005, 00:31:30 by Hans*im*Glück, contains 4 texts

Created on Jul 18th 2003, 00:20:44 by aus dem Gedächtnis, contains 8 texts

Created on Jun 19th 2004, 21:38:24 by ungesüsster cappuccino, contains 9 texts

Created on Mar 12th 2008, 21:54:15 by Pipette, contains 2 texts

Created on Nov 20th 2000, 11:36:25 by Jean-Paul, contains 10 texts

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