Amount of texts to »merciful« 1, and there are 1 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 632 Characters
Average Rating 35.000 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Aug 20th 2004, 06:48:43 wrote
Joe about merciful
Latest text on Aug 20th 2004, 06:48:43 wrote
Joe about merciful
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(overall: 0)

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Texts to »Merciful«

Joe wrote on Aug 20th 2004, 06:48:43 about


Rating: 35 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the relevation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
H.P. Lovecraft, »The Call of Cthulhu«

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