Amount of texts to »erection« 13, and there are 12 texts (92.31%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 137 Characters
Average Rating 0.308 points, 6 Not rated texts
First text on May 30th 2003, 17:55:40 wrote
fartbrain about erection
Latest text on Apr 30th 2009, 20:41:41 wrote
noitcere/annanab about erection
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 6)

on May 20th 2007, 15:30:20 wrote
pipi longstockings about erection

on Apr 30th 2009, 20:41:41 wrote
noitcere/annanab about erection

on Jun 10th 2005, 15:54:14 wrote
quart about erection

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Erection«

cnepic wrote on Jun 7th 2003, 21:33:02 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

To me the best record the Beatles ever made is 'Revolver'. Until now there is a mishearing in one of it's songs I cannot get out of my head. Since a quarter of a century I get a line from 'And your bird can sing' that is notated as 'look at my direction, I'll be round' as 'look at my erection...' Funny, eh? No? Uhm, you messy kids probably don't even know that song, hum? Anyway, it's one of my great private laughs. I should have kept it as a secret, sigh. wrote on Aug 31st 2005, 05:28:08 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Why does everything hve to be about SEX with you? Couldn't you have cliked on a different word?
like bananna

Greg wrote on Aug 7th 2003, 00:43:57 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Remember Dr. Ruth (the sex therapist)? It always made me laugh when she would say »erection« with that thick German(?) accent she had.

Some random keywords

Created on Nov 21st 2003, 03:04:05 by Jefe, contains 4 texts

Created on Apr 21st 2001, 12:08:44 by purplesage, contains 24 texts

Created on Mar 3rd 2001, 00:41:14 by houska, contains 4 texts

Created on May 16th 2002, 12:07:04 by aelketta, contains 2 texts

Created on Jun 15th 2000, 00:45:42 by atoma, contains 60 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jan 26th 2002, 01:03:43 by Taos Hammer & Kaftan Molloch, contains 10 texts

Created on Sep 18th 2006, 09:59:54 by biggi, contains 6 texts

Created on Dec 25th 2001, 01:48:59 by markus5, contains 22 texts

Created on Dec 2nd 2000, 16:16:17 by D-Zug mit Verspätung, contains 27 texts

Created on Jun 17th 2005, 13:38:45 by Hans*im*Glück, contains 35 texts

Created on Jul 9th 2001, 17:40:08 by Voyager, contains 30 texts

Created on Apr 11th 2015, 20:37:07 by Erwin, contains 5 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0179 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!