Amount of texts to »emotions« 10, and there are 9 texts (90.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 115 Characters
Average Rating 0.600 points, 2 Not rated texts
First text on Oct 26th 2002, 07:18:26 wrote
crystal about emotions
Latest text on Sep 29th 2008, 08:57:46 wrote
Rachel about emotions
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 2)

on May 26th 2005, 17:34:01 wrote
quart about emotions

on Sep 29th 2008, 08:57:46 wrote
Rachel about emotions

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Emotions«

cccccccc wrote on Dec 23rd 2002, 05:20:55 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I wonder..its been said emotions have no morals..yet we judge each other and try to reifne character based pn our behavior and responses in various situations...
Me..I shamefully mask my feeling so often for fear of that hypocrtical judgment

crystal wrote on Oct 26th 2002, 07:18:26 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

the thing that seperates us from the primal urges of our souls. they create problems but they also create joy.

bconstan wrote on Dec 3rd 2002, 05:38:18 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Emotions are essentially a waste of time. You get sad, and you waste time crying or being depressed. You get happy, and you waste time laughing and exclaiming your utter joy. Love is worthless; it always ends badly by a horrible breakup or death. And grief – why waste time grieving for something that won't come back? Crying isn't going to make Grampa come back, you know.

Some random keywords

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Created on May 26th 2002, 22:08:02 by Runyon, contains 9 texts

Created on Jul 10th 2007, 15:37:15 by Melva, contains 1 texts

Created on Oct 21st 2001, 09:36:58 by wigbomb, contains 8 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Aug 31st 2004, 14:21:16 by LKA Düsseldorf, contains 13 texts

Created on Oct 3rd 2008, 20:20:57 by Der liebe Junge von nebenan, contains 12 texts

Created on Oct 1st 2001, 10:38:57 by Urlauber, contains 15 texts

Created on Jun 4th 2001, 12:19:51 by windboe, contains 31 texts

Created on Feb 19th 2002, 11:28:12 by saxonkid, contains 47 texts

Created on May 22nd 2011, 00:21:12 by Dummdummdieter, contains 1 texts

Created on Jan 28th 2017, 14:05:36 by Hannelore, contains 5 texts

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