Amount of texts to »camera« 19, and there are 14 texts (73.68%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 144 Characters
Average Rating 0.158 points, 4 Not rated texts
First text on Jun 21st 2001, 01:16:09 wrote
superguy3000 about camera
Latest text on Nov 2nd 2015, 08:16:06 wrote
carolyn stewart about camera
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 4)

on Oct 16th 2004, 12:17:48 wrote
Sharp about camera

on Nov 1st 2015, 13:54:11 wrote
carolyn stewart about camera

on Nov 2nd 2015, 08:16:06 wrote
carolyn stewart about camera

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Camera«

superguy3000 wrote on Jun 21st 2001, 01:16:09 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A camera is an eye into the world, a portal for those who aren't satisfied with the eyes that they've had forever or for those who wish to share experiences and ideas with others through a very realistic visual art form.

Some cameras are very small (the Gameboy Camera, for instance). The very first ones were very large, requiring flash powder to operate and the big, funny curtains that you had to stand under.

Other cameras take moving pictures. They influence the content of movies, TV, and now the Internet through ever-increasing technologies and plain straight-shot photography like that which was used in the early days of cameras.

Use cameras for art, and share your life with the world!

even humbler wrote on Jul 14th 2001, 01:16:31 about


Rating: 8 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A camera freezes time – the only thing in the universe that can do so.

[das flederwiesel] wrote on Nov 7th 2001, 19:04:25 about


Rating: 4 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Taken so many pictures.... I think no one will like them, no one will even care. But the memories coming up with them are so precious to me that I almost do not dare to take a look.

Some random keywords

Created on May 6th 2003, 21:47:30 by Topical68, contains 9 texts

Created on Aug 31st 2001, 23:47:36 by syllabot, contains 6 texts

Created on Dec 24th 2003, 22:18:23 by Lysander, contains 5 texts

Created on Nov 16th 2003, 20:23:29 by rkcba, contains 1 texts

Created on Apr 23rd 2002, 20:57:17 by purplesage, contains 19 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Sep 2nd 2001, 07:06:42 by Fritz, contains 504 texts

Created on May 22nd 2000, 13:39:17 by Mimi Pollak, contains 90 texts

Created on Jun 27th 2001, 02:51:31 by arne, contains 46 texts

Created on Feb 14th 2001, 17:28:32 by blubb, contains 19 texts

Created on Nov 29th 2000, 11:56:03 by hinkelchen, contains 21 texts

Created on Jan 3rd 2004, 14:28:45 by Madenvermehrung, contains 4 texts

Created on Jun 24th 2001, 18:35:40 by endorphin, contains 57 texts

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