Owner: »Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue ... what's, uh ... what's wrong with it?«
Customer: »I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!«
Owner: »No, no, 'e's uh ... he's resting.«
Customer: »Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.«
Owner: »No, no he's not dead, he's he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, innit, ay? Beautiful plumage!«
Customer: »The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.«
Owner: »Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting!«
...........and so on
excerpted from some transcript of Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch.