Amount of texts to »comboni« 4, and there are 1 texts (25.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 566 Characters
Average Rating 2.000 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Oct 11th 2004, 20:56:07 wrote
mussabha about comboni
Latest text on Oct 13th 2004, 17:52:55 wrote
biographerJill about comboni
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Texts to »Comboni«

biographerJill wrote on Oct 13th 2004, 17:52:55 about


Rating: 20 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Daniel Comboni was a missionary and the first Catholic Bishop of Central Africa.

Born in Limone sul Garda (Brescia – Italy) on 15 March 1831, Daniel was the son of Luigi and Domenica. He was ordained in 1854 and went to Africa three years later. He worked tirelessly on behalf of the people there, including his endeavours to convince monarchs of Europe to provide both spiritual and material aid. He died on 10 October 1881 at the age of fifty, saying »I am dying, but my work will not die

On 5 October 2003, Daniel Comboni was canonised by John Paul II.

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