Amount of texts to »Palimpsest« 6, and there are 5 texts (83.33%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 325 Characters
Average Rating 0.167 points, 2 Not rated texts
First text on Aug 31st 2001, 16:37:09 wrote
Nafetso about Palimpsest
Latest text on Jan 27th 2009, 19:12:37 wrote
el cojones about Palimpsest
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 2)

on Jan 27th 2009, 19:12:37 wrote
el cojones about Palimpsest

on Jan 29th 2002, 05:11:51 wrote
Nighthawk about Palimpsest

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Palimpsest«

Nafetso wrote on Aug 31st 2001, 16:37:09 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Palimpsests show traces of thoughts and minds long forgotten and are covered by more modern, but maybe not more modest, words. Palimpsests are wells of knowledge hidden to the naked eye, but open to the simple mind. Chemistry and physics may help reveal what lies below the surface of the text, the enlighted mind even more so. So, are there palimpsests of the mind? Layers of ancestors tracing your steps from inside? Lines of joyous and suffering beings, long dea, but still guiding your journey on this planet? Listen also to the palimpsests of the wind! Listen carefully and winds long gone will blow your hair!

Jefe wrote on Nov 28th 2004, 02:58:03 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Top 10 keywords with no contributions for the longest time
(According to your treshold) quiff (2002/01/16 21:53)
Palimpsest (2002/01/29 05:11)
Guideline (2002/02/05 21:55)
procedure (2002/02/06 21:04)
immediacy (2002/02/14 05:50)
flatulence (2002/02/23 19:43)
Amplifier (2002/02/26 10:11)
exposure (2002/02/28 02:58)
entertaining (2002/03/02 06:48)
synthesis (2002/03/02 14:35)

Nafetso wrote on Aug 31st 2001, 16:39:31 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Palimpsest were these lines not when I wrote them down. When they are sent back to me they tutn and churn and show up as relics of what I thought I wrote. Maybe the words were already on the screen when they came to my simple mind...

Some random keywords

Created on Jun 21st 2001, 01:16:09 by superguy3000, contains 20 texts

Created on Aug 3rd 2007, 13:50:15 by Werner, contains 3 texts

Created on Jan 7th 2002, 17:01:51 by Sunshine, contains 6 texts

Created on Jun 1st 2008, 12:37:17 by karl keule, contains 1 texts

Created on Jan 30th 2002, 19:11:35 by Ian, contains 7 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Dec 6th 2001, 14:40:44 by jade, contains 15 texts

Created on Jun 26th 2001, 23:36:17 by Brkrd, contains 30 texts

Created on Mar 10th 2015, 22:22:51 by Marco, contains 51 texts

Created on Mar 17th 2004, 00:13:22 by Höflich, contains 10 texts

Created on May 2nd 2001, 23:17:11 by Nils, contains 85 texts

Created on Apr 26th 2001, 21:23:34 by Holger, contains 9 texts

Created on Mar 22nd 2002, 12:42:11 by Das Gift, contains 53 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0173 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!